🏵️Brand & Promo

Thank you for deciding to integrate "Maincoin" branding and advertising materials into your website or application.

Below are recommendations for using "Maincoin" branding.

"Maincoin" branding and logos can only be used on your website to indicate links to the maincoin.money resource.

The Maincoin Money platform is the sole owner of trademarks.

You may not register or use "Maincoin" trademarks in connection with a company name, trade name, domain name, avatar, online advertising tool (e.g. Google AdWords) or a third-party product or service.

Archive of Maincoin logos:

Promotional materials

Banners for social networks and messengers:

Archive Maincoin Baner social:

Ad text for social networks and messengers:

🔔 Are you interested in earning?

🏆 Then you come to us!

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Archive Maincoin Banners:

Last updated